Red Dwarf
yh red dwarf
If TU24 hits then well I wasted my last seconds of life didn't I?
Red Dwarf
yh red dwarf
It is an awesome show yeah.
another great flash from tha king of all flashes!!!
shut up and go away.
Comets are pissing me off, I say we carve a 50 mile high hand on the moon flipping the whole universe off for sending its flying debris our way...
What what if the extra gravity caused by this hand attracts more space junk?
Heh, situational humour.
If I didn't get the humour in this, I'd have blammed it straight away. But, considering the current events, good job. You gain +1 Kudos.
Highly topical flash this is.
So cute ^ 3 ^
The meteor thingo gave me a seizrue =P
Clearly you don't have epilepsy since the comet is way to small and not nearly flashy enough to induce a seizure of any kind.