That sound effect the zombie made had me clutching my sides. 10/10, 5/5. Call him Frank. for no obvious reason.
This is a school flash project that went wildly out of control and has become far larger than necessary. To me this doesn't seem to be on par with a lot of the stuff I've seen on here, but I thought I should post it anyway.
The little guy doesn't have a name. If you think of a good one tell me.
Just so you know my teacher does not approve of this flash, but don't' worry. I'm going to turn it in anyway.
That sound effect the zombie made had me clutching my sides. 10/10, 5/5. Call him Frank. for no obvious reason.
i know its a school project but come on its got nothing the only good bits are the zombies i know why the teacher dident like
thats a pretty good school project. the little guy should just be named sucka for obvious reasons and to piss your teacher off even more add a shooting stage with the zombies and add her face lol.sweet work
Good work.
For a shcool project, This is quite a good flash, and considering your expierence with flash (or inexperience, I should say) It's a really good job. Short, Not much for replay, But funny nonetheless. Good work.
I mean...come on...how hilarious is killing people
I mean...priceless