kian that was beyond marvelous i dont think you could've made it any stranger, you're really gettin good. we're startin a new series soon u must help with it
Good evening, fellow countryman. I wish to purchase the finest shoe in the shop.
kian that was beyond marvelous i dont think you could've made it any stranger, you're really gettin good. we're startin a new series soon u must help with it
Why was it so good?
*freaks out*
that wasn't....abnormally weirder than anything I've ever seen on newgrounds
*shifty eyes*
I don't like it so much...
this had to have been based on a bad dream, or something. i give it good scores because the concept is something unique.
I like it but it would be way better if there were voices and its kindda sluggish. But the graphics are good and the art is alright too.