Everyones a Critic
Me too But i gotta Say
the day i can make something like this is the day HumV's learn to fly
awsome dude
My first submission! This is a short trailer for a movie I've been working on since '05, and so far it's going really well! The movie takes place in 2853 AD, starring Cyborgkid as the main character. I made the music all by myself on the keyboard! You like?
I can't reveal too much of the storyline, but I can tell you that he is half boy, half super-advanced robot, and all psychotic from virtual immortality (he can't age, since he's half robotic). He also loves guns! However, he is not invincible. A certain AI has constantly exploited him for about 700 years and now it's time for some payback!
As you can see, there are a lot of aliens and foreign planets in the movie, for those of you who like that kind of stuff.
Everyones a Critic
Me too But i gotta Say
the day i can make something like this is the day HumV's learn to fly
awsome dude
meh... i actually think it looks like crap compared to my other stuff now. Thanks for reviewing most of my stuff.
If this is your first submission...
... then everybody give him a big round of applause!
The art was a 3.5/5
Concept is 4.5/5
Some of the actions seemed a bit laggy to me so 3/5
Music should've been better, but is good nonetheless, so 3.5/5
I cannot wait to see this series in the flesh.
I salute you bro!
. . .
Great idea, I can't wait to see the full movie.
looks really good
is this your first ever proper flash as well? coz if it is, thats bloody AMAZING. im reallying looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future. great
Has potential
The animation was impressive and this looks like an interesting series. When will it be out?
The movie itself should be out in about a month, hoping that school doesn't interfere too much...