it could use some color i fell like im in the 1950's all black and white
A school project that I made with a disturbed friend of mine.
I made all the animations (cred to me) and Johan (my disturbed friend) made all the sounds in his low tech studio :P
It's my first animation that I'm really proud of...don't be so harsh... *puppet eyes*
//Kenny ][=Veritas=][
it could use some color i fell like im in the 1950's all black and white
It didn't fully load the movie before it started... so i had to click click and hit rewind and wait.
Since it is 3 megs, you should of added a rating bar for the download. It looks nicer, and it doesn't feel it takes long.
The sound if great, I love the sound, you go it all working together and it's all great.
The graphics are really nice, and i wouldn't complain if i saw more of your movies on newgrounds.
You did some great work!
It kinda didn't really have a plot though... it could of been better!
You should of made this pure animation... the picture at the end kinda fucked it up..
Wierd but good
The animation leaves a bit to be desired, but that polka version of Titanic was just downright disturbing - and hilarious. Next time though, try compressing the sound a bit more - 3.5 meg is kinda big.
kenny är en bög, men liten penis....
You get a 4 for using the remix of Dragula from the Matrix STrk - I found this movie quite funny actually, however, I do agree with Sauron666 about the picture...