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Network Man 1 UPDATED

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James is an I.T technician in a large, regular High School (You know the sort).
This comic is but the beginning of the adventures of a regular Network Technician having irregular adventures.



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Not too good, not that bad.

The title says it all.

Your drawing is decent, and you have a loader bar. That's pretty much where the good stuff ends.

Only one page of comic, and no next button. If there had been more than 1 page of comic, sorry; you set the "page flipping" a bit too slow for my taste.

This would be better of your comic story was complete (provided there was only 1 page of comic) and you had your "NEXT" button for flipping the pages. I would've given it a 6 at least. But for this kind of incomplete work, i can only give it a 2.

Work hard bro!

adama14 responds:

I appreciate you taking the time to look at my bad comic, and I'll take your ideas into account next time. :)


why no animation? you could at least have moved the view from one frame to the next, with voiceovers and music or something. does this even go to the next page without one having to right click and click forward? i just don't think this is the type of things that should be on ng.

adama14 responds:

I appreciate your views, but this is meant to be a webcomic, not a flash animation.


Good, sort of basic but somehow funny in its lameness, one thing you need a button to move to the next pic or you have to right click and forward. any way keep it up good art!


The draws are not bad...i have seen alot worst around here in newgrounds!

But...what about adding 2 buttons? "Prev" and "Next"? And cut the page in 2 so the viewers dont need to zoom in, in order to see the draws clearly?
You could even make a simple motion when Prev/Next button is pressed passing to the other half of the page and to the other pages...its not that difficult to make and it would win you some points!
Anyway, do not give up if this doesn't pass and try to innovate it and submit again.
You got my blessing 2/5 and 3/10! :)

adama14 responds:

I agree. The main reason I didn't include any effects is because this was never meant to be a proper flash submission when I made it , but when it was finished- I couldn't resist posting it. Thanks for the comment!

Web Comic

It would do way better as a web comic. Instead of an single from flash

Credits & Info

2.56 / 5.00

Jan 23, 2008
2:36 PM EST