You can now use your tank to run them over! :D
This is a fun tank defense game that I've been playing with lately.
Thank my good friend Stooge for the cool music!
W - Forward
S - Backward
A/D - Turn Left/Right
Mouse - Aim/Shoot
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nais :)
damn ^^ i won xD
It was kinda fun
i liked it, but this gameplay is getting pretty old now and it really adds nothing new to it. upgrades are kinda nice though.
Nothing new
Graphics are well done, the gameplay is a bit boring and the tank is way to agile on turns.
I'm left handed and I don't know what reddeye5 is talking about.
Could have been.......
............a classic,...but the absence of the capability to CHANGE the controls kills it. Next time do us lefties a favor and use or let there be customized controls. You lose a lot with this one thing.