Interesting new take on the Johnny series
Nothing special but decent
okay, the full title is 'masterchief meets a sleeping grunt', but that didn't fit. a simple little run-off from the 'Johnny meets' series, this involves... well, watch it and see! (watch 'johnny meets masterchief' first, or you wont quite get the joke!)
>>edit!<< thatnkyou everyone! 1000 views!
Interesting new take on the Johnny series
Nothing special but decent
to be honest
the animation was crap the joke wasnt that funny the clip was too short
srry but
it is
is immense
Was ist Das?!
I watched this movie a few times and I have yet to see the grunt or was the grunt the cylinder like object, I could not tell it was so poorly drawn. The only thing that I thought was done moderately well was the scrolling text, and maybe a sound effect or two thats pretty much it.
how retarded are you!?! can you not READ the text that came up as he was looking at the shell, or the SIGNPOST saying 'danger unexploded shell'?
>>edit!<< RETARD!!!!!!!
this really isnt good, perhaps if more effort would have been put into making it humorous, i would have laughed