Well recently I was going through all my old flash when I saw the original funtimedancetime. I said "THIS IS AWFUL!!" I just had to redo it, so as you can see there's some obvious changes. This is a very huge improvement. I also added more special features and commentary.
I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!
This guy has a lot of friends... every "FunTimeDanceTime" I've ever seen has been the exact same, and I've voted 0 on every one of them... and yet, they always pass Judgment. Here's a suggestion... try to put forth some effort in your animations, instead of relying on people to spam your movies with undeserved 5's to make them pass Judgment. Create something other than a 10-frame, poorly drawn, poorly animated movie that you've done 50 times now... try to actually improve yourself as an artist, isn't that what posting on NG is all about?
Ha you're an idiot.
First of all, I don't link these to anybody, I post a few of these on the clockcrew bbs every once in a while and usually only like 5 people respond.
Secondly, just because you vote zero doesn't automatically mean it will be blammed. Third, I haven't done this 50 times, I've done this 11 times. Fourth, THESE AREN'T ALL THE SAME. OBVIOUSLY HE'S GONE FROM NO MOUSTACHE AND NO EYEPATCH TO A HANDLEBAR MOUSTACHE AND AN EYEPATCH.