Super-cool filmpje, dude!
Dit heeft echt een diepe betekenis, de flash vond ik ook goed, maar als die NOG beter gaat, zullen het echt kunstwerken worden!!
btw, love the music!!
If only it were so simple. That you could show the real meanig of life with one simple painting.
A painting that inspires others. Inspires others of making their own paintings, that will eventually inspire you again... If only it were so simple. That we could give a smile to every sad and miserable person. And when you're sad, they will cheer you up with their smiles. If only it were so simple...too bad it's always going to be a dream.
This is my first submission...I've worked like 4 days on this movie, and I like the result.
I've always wanted to make a serious flash movie with a meaning, but couldn't get any inspiration.
But when I heard the song 'Arlulu' by Sevanimation, I started immediately!
This movie, is about our world without any colour.
A boy then draws a painting, that will change the world and his own life forever!
Super-cool filmpje, dude!
Dit heeft echt een diepe betekenis, de flash vond ik ook goed, maar als die NOG beter gaat, zullen het echt kunstwerken worden!!
btw, love the music!!
gast leuk filmpje ( ik ben nohely niej btw ik ben een klasgenoot) maar ga vooral zo door en doe met gesproken stemmen de volgende keer ;) geen muziek ( ik denk dat nohely wel een goeie stem heeft hiervoor )
Props ;)
I feel better already
While the animation could have used some touching up, the mood was conveyed well. Each still had emotion, feeling that was almost at times complimented by the style of drawing, giving it a more personal feeling. Altogether a definite bringer-upper, which has become harder to find these days.
Hey, Thanks!
Really means a lot to me to see that someone is still watching this flash movie.
And I'm really happy that it made you feel better!
Very nice!
The animation could do with some work, but I like your message and use of music. You are good at conveying emotion and meaning. I look forward to working with you on the Asturias Collab. One thing I noticed, which made me think you weren't being sincere:
S mile
E njoy
I nspire
L ive
Reverse the first letters and you realise what those teachings are. :P
It really means a lot to me for letting me in ^^
(and about the "L-I-E-S" thing...I didn't even notice that) xD
okay, 1 thing u need 2 do is dig deeper into the negative spirit so that the main purpose of the flash is revieled.
My suggestion, be sure and add something in that conveys that the only real garuntee in this life is that u will die and that since this is so we mustsn't go about wasting it on petty little things.
P.S. this is my general philosophy. really have some good points there.
You're very wise 0_0
Maybe, I can use some of your points for my next flash!
Thanks for your review.
- Unspoken