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Star Wars AFP Lost Stuff

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*(23/01/08) Err didn't expect to still see this up there after all this time. You know if I knew that this would have gotten so much attention, I would have cleaned it up a little more. As it was, I added a line shortly before finishing, and made it sound worst to match the bad sound quality from 2 years ago. Anyway thanks for the reviews and stuff, I haven't read them all yet but I appreciate the kind words and all that. This is probably the longest time one of my things has been on the front page...which again, I wish I did more to justify that; I honestly thought this would get about 100 hits at best. I wish more of you would read this crap I write, because it does explain some stuff that some seem to be missing. I'm fully aware of the problems this has, the majority of this file has sat on my hard drive for the better half of 3 years after all, and I did stop working on this for a reason (ignoring the bad sound quality, I am however pretty happy with the less old George Lucas stuff). But don't get me wrong, I'm great full to anyone that likes any portion of any of my work, despite what I think of it. So err...thanks again, and check out other work, spread the word, bla bla bling bling bla.

*Wow front page! I didn't know anyone really cared. Thanks guys. Check out my other stuff also if you get the time, I would like that.

Ok, this is pretty much just for the people that sent me emails, or wrote in the reviews asking about when I was goanna finish Star Wars AFP, which is now almost a 3 year old toon. For a While I thought about not even posting it on here, but what the hell, why not. Before I lost faith in the project, I begin working on the second part as normal, and completed the opening intro that would be used in the remaining 3 parts, as well as the better half of the first scene. A year or so after giving up on it, and completing Pethetic episode 1, I decided to put this together, which contains those two segments that were done for Part 2, as well as new material that bookends everything and sort of explains the back story a little (but not really). Long story short, I got about half way through the new material when I got bored, and put this aside until finishing it a few days ago. So here is an animation that contains work from mid 2005, mid 2006, and early 2008.

If you have not seen my Star War cartoons, you will probably not get this. Feel free to check them out if you desire, but be warned, the quality of them is pretty bad. If anyone cares what I'm up to, I'm pretty active on Deviant Art at the moment, so stop on by there for more info if you're interested. I'm working on far less internet stuff at the moment, but i'll be back on Newgrounds with some new stuff eventally. Thanks to everyone who supported me on this website, and although this isn't the long awaited Star Wars AFP part 2, I hope this makes it up to you at least a little. Again I'm sorry for not finishing it, but who knows maybe one day I will do something with the idea.


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This was pretty cool the way it parodied Star Wars and it's style especially the beginning with the George Lucas scene,overall the animation and character design we're great along with some solid voice acting.


did you know that Boba just repainted his dads armor and helmet and added some extra pieces?

It's awesome

Can't wait until the next one comes out


Glad to see more of your stuff Mike! This was awesome. Same review as for all your stuff. Animation: Great, enjoyable. Writing: Great, enjoyable. Characters: Great! Love the personality :D. Sound: Horrible. Voice acting: Its alright except for the parts where you sound like Gibbles, that voice isn't very strong and never sounds good.

Anyhoo I'd love to see more! Keep it up :D

My movies, George Lucas

As amusing as the others in the series--I just wish it was the full cartoon! However, you made it funny enough by added a liberal abount of good ol' GL humor to it ^^ . I got some good laught out of it, and had a jolly good time overall watching it.

By the way, it's spelled "Tatooine", not... however you spelled it in the subtile... thingy... yeah... just wanted to... yeah.


Good stuff all the same!

Credits & Info

3.89 / 5.00

Jan 20, 2008
6:43 AM EST