you gonna make a end of goldilock called silverlock
the fruits of boredom...
you gonna make a end of goldilock called silverlock
way ahed of u buddy >.o
Creepy, but well done!
Just like your "Goldilocks" and "Silverlocks" movies, this one was creepy, but well done! Great animation and sound! The only bad thing I have to say about this is the seizure inducing "Vote 5" screen. Other than that, it was entertaining!
i lol -ed
if i was an orange i would throw the fuck up
and then faint
also the beginning of the movie reminds me of the kanye west video power ...just a thought
It's funny because I just watched Goldilocks by this same artist, and it's the same guy that disembowels the priest rofl. I will never eat oranges the same.