im i the first to say the movie code is 420690
In this episode, the cocreator of Yog & Boob returns to write the last half of this episode and write the rest of the series. He also takes back the role of Ranger Jim (which i took over for him), so in the first half of the episode, Kenny Ryder plays Ranger Jim, but in the last half it's Trevor Stafford.
I gave up on this 2 years ago and we just now went back and finished the second half after we released episodes 1 & 2.
im i the first to say the movie code is 420690
My life is finally complete...... still sad it's missing the beach scene, but the rest definitely makes up for it. perfect.
this was funny quite random and i like te fact you used the music from sky sports news if ur american the ull haveno idea wot im on about. any way there were a few sync glitches but other than that it was a ool toon.
you may be talking about the clips from the other episodes. some had them talking but i didnt include the sound.