Nothing of a cpu test, but good try
it only used 20% cpu usage on i7
Spawned of Infinity is the most recent of my Visual Effects Tests, and the most spectacular. It is similar to Inifinty Spout, as it instantiates graphics at a set location and assigns them random attributes...but other than that it is totally different...V2 includes amazing colour...
...this amazing effect chews up an equally amazing amount of CPU...if you have a slow computer...set the quality to low...
This test, others, games and much more at:
If you liked, or disliked this interactive feature, post this opinion at the new ryan.cyberemail instant messaging forum at:
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Nothing of a cpu test, but good try
it only used 20% cpu usage on i7
why the hell u put thing no one wanna see no one do "hooo look at theses flashy light spin around in loop". Sry but im giving u a 0
doesn't look very random...
Actually it looked very repetitive. Instead of linking to your site for more, put more on the same submission.