knifes dont kill ppl ??? indeed ppl kill ppl whit knifes but the knife didnt do it becuase he wanted it he whas forced lol :P
This animation was written and animated for multilple reasons one of them was for making fun of common anime characters seen in many mangas and anime, so even if you dislike anime, you can at least give me some credit for trying something that'll make you go crazy.
i did this to practice animation and to use the advice i got from several artists
so anyway enjoy
knifes dont kill ppl ??? indeed ppl kill ppl whit knifes but the knife didnt do it becuase he wanted it he whas forced lol :P
what kind of world do we live in where innocent knives are forced to do horrible actions
ha ha dude this is zak wtf u on to make sumin lyk that lol love it 10 10 10 10 10 u get a 10 lol ha ha ha
the natural highs of being able to create..........and weed
All you need is just a couple of songs, other than that the animation and the story (although odd) are cool.
"knivez dont kill people.." lol
thats tru th3y d0nt; P30PL3 wit KniveZ kill people ;flash is stil pretty funni
::GooD WorK::
funny, but just a little tacky :/ I mean the voice acting was funny, but the script was a little dry you know, no back ground music, no sudden anime action sequence music, no urgency in speech, but the smacking the lips together part just made me lawl for ages XD, however unique style, just a little slow but guns don't kill people, rappers do!.. ermm im going to stand over there, and smack my lips together, other than that 8/10 5/5 ^^(4/5 gets people no where still lol)
uh huh