this kind of rocks
update: coauthoring some yeeked shit and alts of random people, hey hey whoa whoa
I found this movie thing that I made for Kberkag sitting around gathering dust on my hard drive so I was like what the hell I think I'll submit this
so I did
bite me.
this kind of rocks
'my cat's arse' is right
my god that song sucks
there are two songs
OMG Seizure!!! My eyes!!! Mental & Physical Shock!! damaged for life!!! I am lieing on the ground, hugging my legs and sobbing right now.
um...pretty colors and good font,but pointless and the song seemed confusing, also wats w/ the title?
and bite ya? where u want it?
Kberkag used the title "Hi" on most of his under-judgement things.
vote mccain
Uhh, that was pretty terrible.
Yeah well the preloader animation and the animation for the word fuck were pretty good, but what the hell was your goal in submitting this? it's complete crap.
tribute to kberkag