it´s funny
This Has Been A Pivot Short Creation
If you watch this, please vote 3-5 and post reviews.
It's a tribute to Resident Evil, Bowser's Kingdom, Andrew Raskin, and his pal PTHouse.
If you want to collab with me for a Pivot Short Creation or a Full-Length Pivot Movie, just send me a message.
Oh yeah! I forgot to include Nootorjus in the credits for the Icon he gave me.
Thanks once again Nootorjus!!
it´s funny
worth my time.
my time is valuable to me.
can i download flash to make games or do i have to buy it
You can download Adobe Flash CS3 for free at www.warez-bb.com but be careful where you click, as I heard rumors of viruses and spyware.
lol So hilarious
hey this is awsome
dude sweet hey can u tell me how to put pivots on newgrounds
You can do it two ways.
1. Maybe you can import Pivot in2 wmm and in2 flash 8
2. how I do it. Import Pivot in2 wmm and convert the wmv file into swf at
www.media-convert.com but make sure it's not a big wmv so that the swf becomes less than 10 mb. enjoy. LOL