has potential
The actual scripting in this was pretty good, but there was really pretty much not art or creativity. If it was a lot more colorful and a lot more interesting it would be a pretty decent flash.
a 27 question quiz game with three catagories
has potential
The actual scripting in this was pretty good, but there was really pretty much not art or creativity. If it was a lot more colorful and a lot more interesting it would be a pretty decent flash.
worst quiz game ever. i'm sorry, but that was terrible.
This is one of the smartest games i've ever seen on this website. It is really intelligent. My only complaint was a small amount of graphic tweaking. Otherwise, kudos. (I know a lot of people hate it, but I ain't one of em.)
I thought this quiz would be cool, but it kinda sucked. The questions had clear answers, yet every time the right answer was picked, it was wrong. This is kind of a cheap knock-off of the Impossible Quiz. I didn't like this one, next time, make the correct answers a little clearer.
A Pretty bad Impossible quiz ripoff :(
Graphics 1/10: The game, put plainly, was hideous. No matter how good the rest could possibly be, being this sloppy looking will bring it down.
Sound 0/10: None. No score. Add some. You may not think quizzes need them, but trust me, they do. Quizzes are always better with some sounds.
Playability 5/10: Well yeah, you're clicking things. Works fine, nothing to say/
Entertainment 3/10: Most stupid questions made no sense and were not original. The answers were pretty random, which got by in the Impossible Quizzes because of the fun that came out of them. These don't. The smart questions were pretty innacurate as well.
1,0,5,3 Average = 2.25 = 2.
Overall: You tried to recreate the wheel with the impossible quiz (Or didn't know about it but did so anyway). It's like that, exept without the fun questions, quirky graphics, or odd sounds.
Just try something totally different and it will be easier to improve on.