Good concept, animation could've been better. You could have come up with a slightly better plot.
Although this does remind me of an online comic called Dr.McNinja
This originally was my media activism project, where we had to make a visual aid displaying what we were trying to change. I chose child obesity. Odds are you won't like it, but you never know.
45 minutes work and an A+, my class is very easy to entertain :P
Good concept, animation could've been better. You could have come up with a slightly better plot.
Although this does remind me of an online comic called Dr.McNinja
all my 5 R belong to this!
I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while. although maybe you couldve had a fight scene between ronald and mr. fruity. Make another with the burger king.
this was worse then the crap i submited! sorry tht was kinder harsh i dnt think people oon newgrounds would like this its to friendly and not funny or entertaining ill give u a 3 for effort
Dude I liked this! it was funny! lol 4/5 XD
Haaha.... thanks! :P
an A+, wow, very easy to entertain
It was kinda funny, but mostly dumb. You could very easily make the game a little better so it didn't just have to land in a random spot to get it. Also, like the mouth on Mr. Fruity, I'm not saying to expertly lip-sync it, I'm just saying to stop it when he's not talking. That was . . . eh.