Love it!
just wish is was longer
It's just a movie about a wizard that know how to flow. Fo Sho?
*BTW* This was not stolen, I just changed to a new account.
Love it!
just wish is was longer
Made me chuckle, so it gets a 3/5.
I don't see why people don't like this... it almost has an Andy Milinokis feel. In fact, it's just like him: crazy as hell and rapping. Definatly make another, longer, one of these.
1.8? That is way to low a score! Amalgam of Death got 2.31... wtf?
Too silly to not love
The flash work was kinda shitty.
But the lines are awesome.
Do the only rap that white people can do well as a group.
THe silly rap.
Yesterday I wrote a comment saying that the movie was teh dumbest siht I've ever seen, you stand me corrected. This was the worst shit I've ever seen. It wasn't even enteraining whatsoever. I hate rap, but I hate your rap even worse. There is a reason white people dont rap, and that's because of you.
Just take it off, really.
raps stupid
i dont raps still in is it bro