This is well made
This is one of my first stop motion animations using Transformer toys. In this movie I tried to concentrate on quality and clarity, which is something I notice a lot of similar cartoons lack.
Movie Deluxe Bumblebee Concept Camaro and Movie Deluxe Barricade were used in this animation.
I added a Play button so you can stream it properly.
This is well made
well nice job
be patient and add some content...loading, menu, and a longer have the potential i think
Eh, a little choppy.
Some of the frames made big jumps in action, as opposed to other being very close for a smooth transition. Do a little more work and you can only get better.
those big choppy things were me trying to make things move faster, but I guess i just underestimated the frame rate and made it was too fast. next time i'll concentrate on making really small adjustments all the time. 4/10? :(
It was very good
And funny! When bumblebee shot the bullet and barricade just like ... popped lol
lol thats my crappy animating skills :)
Good job!
Good job but you lose points on the preloader. Try to make one, it's quite easy!
I know how to make one, i just got lazy and added the play button.