Very nice indeed
I like your work. I have seen your series, watched a few other clips and can say that your style and concepts are original. I added you to my favorite artists just so you know where you stand.
ConTRAPtions is back, with a graphics upgrade :D
Very nice indeed
I like your work. I have seen your series, watched a few other clips and can say that your style and concepts are original. I added you to my favorite artists just so you know where you stand.
yay :D
i wouldnt call 3 episodes a series yet lol but thanks for the favourites :D
Cool tilt head thingy...? It was decent... I guess its not worth blamming from the portal...
woohoo :)
major improvement on the graphics, but the new conTRAPtions are a bit lacking. the older ones were so overly elaborate and these are... not. would you be willing to take suggestions for your next one?
sure :P I know what you mean though, these ones are smaller and shorter, so in episode 4 they should be epic
not so many fans
apparently some ppl don't see the humor in these lil contraption flashes, much time and effort was put into this I can tell, very well done, you should try putting some music to these, maybe some death metal or something lol
Death metal isnt everyones type of music though, and would probably put more people off
Very clever.
Your Rube Goldberg death machines amused me.
Your comment amused me