i like this one...
alot, since i hate fuckin pokemon
This took me 10 hours to make The Audio could be better and some of it may be out of sync with actions if you know or have any idea how to get it in sync please tell me. Most of I like but I still think the kill option could be done better.
i like this one...
alot, since i hate fuckin pokemon
hahaha that was great! the one thing you couldnt do in pokemon! go chuck norris on them! you rock!
Chuck Norris!!!!
Because it was about Chuck Norris you get a 10 instantly
Well I thought thius flash was really funny, and very entertaining. It was so hilarious when Pikachu was all covered in blood. The way he looked too like a litle sprite was just cool, keep up the awsome work! :]
This is awesome! if you would makeit longer and maybe add some other funny characters in like george bush or something that wuld be great!