It all flows really well.
Another FBF, FPS is set at 14 and there are 600 frames total, i spent more time on this then my 1st but i feel it still doesn't have that bang. It was fun to make nonetheless. If all goes as planned my next submission will be interactive, also FBF. Anywho enjoy! =)
There was a small problem with the edge, its fixed now.
It all flows really well.
Very nice.
Crap, I wrote a review of this for the stolen one XD. Back on topic, I really liked it. although the art was a little bit... shaky, the animation was very smooth and it was pretty entertaining to watch. The end was probably my favorite part, don't know why.
"cutting edge"
well, that was a bit of a pun, but I DID really like your use of slicing motion and then the fact that many of the slices rejoined in different and interesting ways - also, it was not predictable, which is always good -- keep the audience guessing. I didn't even realize it was spelling "end" until the moment before the "d" formed (and no, I didn't mean "deformed," though I suppose that describes a lot of the shapes)
cool concept, and I might suggest making one that was a bit longer but "along the same lines" (aah, again with the puns - lol) - oh, and the music was good.
Im definitely going to make a longer one (which will do more justice to the music). You have quite a way with words, great review lol! Thx =)
Very creative, it could even be considered art. I liked it and the music was good too.
Thx =)