was pretty fun
I have been working on this game on the side for a while now and it's finally done. Watch my site for new games and rants.
I updated Tarnation to use MochiScores. Only 2 people have gotten over 100k.
was pretty fun
I see what you did there.
I GET IT!Tar, like sticky tar, because that's what your fighting, and then tarnation like ,yeah.Well, it's certainly creative, but it gets tedious constantly switching between red blue and yellow.
TERIBLE this sucks it takes like 2 seconds to beat it AAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDD.............
Plain weird.
I simply don't get it. Seriously. (Made it past lvl 11, but still.) Nice work on the graphics and so forth though.
its hard after lvel 6 ok thats all im gona say