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Asteroids hunter

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I will ubdate it with new ships

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you didnt make this 3dfa made it you changed a few things like the background and took 3DFA from the upper left corner I know this because I had 3DFA and someone but the pacman game on my profile I didn't do it


...but the ship is a little too big, graphics are great though. They go well together. Music is desirable. 5/10.

Nice, and playable...

but some refining would do wonders to it. Graphics, movement and scripting gets the seven stars (1 plus, for encouragement), and a 3.
New ships? That'll boost it a lot. You could make the ship selectable, maybe even with different characteristics, like "this one is faster, but fires more slowly, than the other" etc.
Sounds would also add to the game experience.
Also, you could try making movement a tid bit... easier (it's smooth as it is, but manouvering is damn nearly impossible on the long run). So I suggest you work on it some more, it'd worth it!


ps: I don't mean to be ignorant, I just say what's on my mind :-)


nice game man! i hope u will make more of this movies!
9/10 for your movie!

it was pretty good...

i thought it was ok...but you should consider adding music and sound to it to make it a lot better.
also, i thought the ship was a kinda big...

Credits & Info

3.13 / 5.00

Jan 1, 2008
12:45 PM EST