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Fun with pop-culture

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Boredom has compelled me to submit this. I am not sure whether people will love or hate this. This is a project I did for school. Sorry it is such a huge file, but any further compression would reduce the audio to static. anyhow, enjoy!

WOW! You guys made this the daily feature!?!? Thank you! This is a real honor! You guys rock!

Audio Credits are as follows:
(in order)
Dick Dale - pulp fiction theme
The Sims - Build1
Final Fantasy 7 - Victory Fanfare
Aphex Twin - Gwarek2 (a small bit of it before act 3.141...)
The AYB song
Mae Muki Rocketto-dan

...there you have it! Keep writing reviews! I like reviews!

Yee! You guys made me weekly users choice!!! Thats like.... 7 daily features put together! Wow, I love you guys! Thank you so much! Keep those reviews coming, friends! :)

Final Grade: 91% A

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How did you do the Words??? @_@

I gotta say thats a good way in saying that's prolly what happens to that place lol. Hello Kitty rocks lol. The words thats on everything was amazing! It was the same sentence and on almost everything! Sadly I didnt knew about that your teacher kinda forced you to do that stick figure thing. Trully this is pretty much hilarious indeed. I give this a 10. May be pointless and Confusing, But its atleast fun and funny lol.

Yeah, good one!

(Don't let the rating fool you, it's not actually that violent!)
So, the man who brought us hits like "We Drink Ritalin" and "Pinto Rage" actually also made a satire of internet pop-culture! I was inspired to see this after I saw the reference to it in "We Drink Ritalin" (the profile picture showing your award for it).

So, let's see what we had here: we had All Your Base, Stick Figure Animation, Political Satire, and Animutation too! Your take on each portion of internet pop-culture is flawless, and the animutation finale was excellent!

Those who liked We Drink Ritalin should really watch this...

If you were to make a remake of this movie, make sure you make references to YTMND's, Yatta, the Numa Numa dance, Mentos+Diet Coke, and of course more animutated goodness!



Nice, reminds me of Pulp Fiction

Very nice Flash. I liked the opening and the music. Very nostalgic to the ol' 1994 hit! (Hence, 10 for Style and Sound). I also liked the WEIRD Japanese music (funny, they actually listen to that over there...) Ahem! All-in-all, nice job; especially for a school Flash! I LOVE to see your work! And the website you have! :)

pretty awesome

I loved that. Internet pop-culture is the weirdest enigma the world has ever known. At least, that's how I feel. But ya gotta love the rampant insanity. XD

Good job.

Credits & Info

4.41 / 5.00

Jan 13, 2002
5:07 PM EST
  • Weekly Users' Choice January 16, 2002
  • Daily Feature January 14, 2002