This is a woeful tale about a poor boy who became very ill from a ferocious skin-eating parasite that swallowed his parents whole a few seconds before. He survived the unbearably painful attack, but with his parents gone, he felt compelled to avenge his parents for the horrible deeds done to them.
This is a story of death, sickness, revenge, bravery, triumph, strength, and justice.
This boy not only found a way to avenge his parents, but save the entire world from an almost certain fate. Unfortunately, due to his sickness, he couldn't see it all come together in the end. This boy did some amazing things.
A boy named Deryl Watson.
Funny stuff heh. But one thing confuzzles the heck out of me... you credited 5 audio artists... me one of them, but the songs aren't in the flash. Am I crazy or is there some easter eggs in there or something?
this is much better the second and third times you watch it.
i seriously was laughing much much more than i should have been
You've got one wrong.
Either the comments are wrong and the title, or the flash that is popping up whenever I attempt to play the movie is with the wrong title, comments, etc. Or, you're being a complete asshole joking about this stuff. I don't know which, so I won't start.