Did you say you were going to remake this?
I can't wait! :O
I finished this in time for Christmas. I'm quite proud of it. I've worked very hard on it.
This is my first flash so vote and reveiw fairly please.
I hope everything works correctly. Enjoy! Also, the entire movie was made frame by frame. There was absolutely no tweening.
Note: the scene selection in the end and beginning doesn't work correctly.
Also, do NOT send donations to that location described in the movie. I was so young that I thought people would be willing to donate for a flash movie. :P
Did you say you were going to remake this?
I can't wait! :O
In a few years. Yeah. Whenever I think I'm ready to take this idea, and turn it into something truly wonderful. And to do that, I'll first need to get used to the tablet that's coming my way. The remake of this movie needs to look and sound better than anything I've ever done. I'll get on that remake when I'm ready. :)
A few sound issues
It's not a bad start to your flash animating career, but over the course of this piece we see that you have a largely unrefined drawing style - zooming into the image and using a smaller drawing tool can certainly help here, as when you zoom out, the image will look more crisp and well finished, without so many blemishes that look like you've gone over the lines in a colouring book.
I can certainly see that you've thought about this as the plot is pretty decent - I'm still slightly unsure as to the motives behind Santa going nuts over Mario being the children's Xmas choice, as without him, there will always be some toy, game or gift that kids want by the thousand and they're largely less rewarding and more annoying than Nintendo and their games.
I think that there was just a little too much static on the sound sample that you used, which was a shame, as it was a nice piece to use for it, though I've never really been a fan of the type of music employed here.
With effort, you can make more rewarding flash and looking at some of the other submissions that you've submitted, you've certainly learned from these early experiences.
[Review Request Club]
Why yes I have learned from my mistakes. :)
Meh, just don't feel like making an equally long response. You know?
Funny idea
LOl this was a funny idea, mario and santa, some more effort could be put forth, more story depth more effects especially in the backround, but i do like the idea so keep with it.
Nice idea.
its ok but like the people before me said yous just need to work on it a little more
I will
i dont like it much but funny a bit