well hey there newgrounds.
been a long time i submitted something
hope you enjoy.
i got a flash here. you know a 1 night flash.
i made this flash cuase 1 Specialty/Perk (martyrbom) sucks big ass and it ain't funny.
Martyrbom drops a live grenade when killed and that sucks pretty hard in Search and Destroy cuase you can't respawn ;(
now watch it :P
Dont review like it doesnt look like COD4.
it was only the idea of the Martyrbomb in Search&Destroy and ofcourse COD4 isnt with stickmans.
thank you very much
forgot preloader sorry :(
got sounds of and some made with my own voice
is everyone here fucking retarded!?!?
firstly, whoever the fuck make this animation its not martyrbom you fucking idiot
and monkeyman or whatever, its not martydrom either its
M A R T Y R D O M ( A Martyr Is A Suicide Bomber)
Fucking idiots
oh and i guess the animation wasnt toooo bad
well im sorry that i am retarded and read it wrong.
i'm so sorry that i made a mistake i can't be normal i guess.
its ok i guess, how the fuck do you get headshots with point blank grenades? isnt it whole bod shot?
no no you read it wrong.
the dude that killed someone with the grenade was called BOOM headshot.
its actually called martydrom you fools. not martyrbomb , not martydom, its martydrom.
Uhhh, Whatever.
Dude, I mean it was alright, but c'mon, don't hate on Martydom just cause it gets you all the time, I mean, there's a beep-beep, whenever a grenade is activated so if you hear it just wait... don't jump on the grenade. anyways whatever.
not true most of the time it shows a indicator but then your too late no beep beep