not bad a little short but definently worth it
After watching some of the other Phoenix Wrong movies I knew I had to try my hand at making one.
So here it is Phoenix Wrong: Law Shananigans.
not bad a little short but definently worth it
Pretty funny man
and i loved the 'hey were all gunna get laid'
Well, this is pretty good.
and you also get bonus points for actually making it bigger so i won't have to look into smaller flashes. My only problem with this one is that it was kinda short. Not to mention i never liked the Numa thing to begin with.
I only really like the numa done to these sprites because the facial expressions are hilarious. But yeah numa numa is a bit worn out.
As for the length of the movie. I actually wanted to add more scenes but after dumping 16 hours into making this one I decided against it.
All of your stuff is funny! 10/10
Pretty good, should've been more though, this was WAY shorter than any of the others, and you didn't include the "i'm gonna pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans" i know it's been done, but it would've been a cool retake given the name you gave this ^^
I didn't event think to add that lol Law Shenanigans was a last minute thing because I created the movie then had no name to submit it under.
If there is a high enough demand I suppose I will probably make another one of these this one got decent ratings so most likely I will make at least one more.