No Sound or music or frame by frame (if you know what that means) No real sprites were used - just bad quality pictures. No effort. I don't see how you can improve this other than starting over.
The Quest For Level 60. Mario will get every NG level episode-by-episode until he gets Level 60 and becomes a Newgrounds God.
Today he tries to get Level 1.
This is not a daily series because I'm too lazy.. Uh leave a review, I respond to all.
No Sound or music or frame by frame (if you know what that means) No real sprites were used - just bad quality pictures. No effort. I don't see how you can improve this other than starting over.
Considering the layout of the flash..
it mustv'e not taken that long to make eh? But hey, maybe if you spent a bit more time on it, adding some SFX, maybe some music, and also correcting some of the color glitches, (like the sprites), it could become alot better.
Thats just my suggestion though, but based off of this flash as of right now, I gotta give it a 2/5 and 4/10. Try harder next time, you can do it.
Poor quality
There's so much that's bad about this: no sound/music, bad quality sprites and drawings, no point. For the sprites, make them smaller and remove the blue. You can either do this in photoshop, or by click on them in flash then clicking on modify - bitmap - trace.
ok, i hope you do that to your own flashes and get the fuck of ours. :D
Maybe you should check the Archives...
There are MUCH better Mario based stories here at Newgrounds! For sure, the first thing to do, is remove the outer junk from the individual sprites! Then, think up a more interesting story... you have some potential, don't get me wrong! Good luck on the next one! Just take into serious consideration, what myself & others are trying to offer you in the way of advice! It's constructive at least!
Its ok, but work on those sprites
No audio, no music, poor animation, not a good combonation, I suggest you start off by trying to remove those blue out lines on the spirtes at least, then it will at least be a 2 or 1.70 in the publics eye.
good luck on the rest of the series
you always vote low on our movies, i thought you were in our crew :P