Thaught it was funny and cute, lol. Know you worked long and hard for this final, but it came out good. I liked the drawing of the people.
Be aware this is my first long animation so dont expect it to be perfect or well.. good. The teacher better give me a decent grade on it. Any further flashes should be much better. Oh and the music is from here on newgrounds if anyone knows the artist let me know. I dont remember it.
Thaught it was funny and cute, lol. Know you worked long and hard for this final, but it came out good. I liked the drawing of the people.
good work!
it was kinda funny watching it because the people looked flat, like they were lying down. but other then that it was a great movie for a first try
im sure the teacher will give you an A
Next time
It didn't completely suck, but I know next time will be better. And for this being your first animation, that's pretty good.
good job
you did a good job. oh and the misic is called [Phienix featherg-r] by g-r4ve
if that does not help look at my (mario easter animation) and that has the song too.
...way, too choppy. Most of everything else was OK tho.