Sorry I Don't Have Flash
The Explosion Collab, the name itself is pretty self explanatory. We had to make a minimum of 10 second clip that involved an explosion... I got a total of 20 parts, that's over 20 explosions because several parts have more than one explosion, and who doesn't like explosions? It's been about 3 month's sense this collab has started and I have made sure it has went perfect. We've went through a lot making sure this collab rocked.
During the collab TNT plays by ACDC, it's one of my personal favorites... I hope it's yours too. During the menu and credits plays the sound clip from, I love that website... Try to check it out soon. And of course, there's SFX for almost every explosion in the collab.
Try to visit the author's bios! I made them along with the menu and preloader. If you click that user's name a webpage will open up displaying there Newgrounds account page. Even if you click there website name, it will do the same expect it will be there website that's displayed. Each author even gave a comment, the comment was supposed to be about anything.
Well what are you waiting for? Watch the collab!
Sorry I Don't Have Flash
mainly just love the song and perriwinkle if there had been a stick figure with a cowboy hat on drop... maybe
he won it by far
most of the other people just sucked tho
overall not so good but littleluckylink put my score up by 3 star's
good on ya mate!
quite cool
cudve changed the song