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Biggie's Christmas Story

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Author Comments

This is a project I did for a final assignment in a flash course. Due to lack of time and due dates I was not able to fix some minor bugs or implement extra gameplay I wanted. I hope to get some great critisism besides the following known bugs:

- Puzzle pieces get locked under eachother at times
- The Boot level has some collision issues when hitting the ground and box
- Collision detection in the maze is pretty awkward
- Some animations are temporary
- Saving recent scores won't update at times.
- No loading screens between games

Thank you for trying!

Happy Holidays,

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Obviously a lot went into this...

.....but it's far from perfect. None of the games really stood out from the collection,..and most left a blah taste of boredom in my mouth. Kudos though,..on the bells and whistles and great music.

nice but theres issues

its a good idea but you dont even have to kick the ball...
you can basically just pick up the ball and drop it on the blocks... fix that before christmas and do a re-release...
plus the music is great!
If you would not have the glitch you woul have at-least a 8

Perin responds:

Thanks for the fast reply. I forgot to mention that bug as well. If I wasn't on such a tight deadline it would have been resolved. I appreciate the testing!


Credits & Info

3.25 / 5.00

Dec 12, 2007
5:41 PM EST