Its funny
But its way to short !
And it only had 3 of the characters that where sayed who would be in the damn movie.
Not that you do but...
This movie sucks
Mario meets the most hideous bastard in the world.
Its funny
But its way to short !
And it only had 3 of the characters that where sayed who would be in the damn movie.
Not that you do but...
This movie sucks
next time make dk and bowser form lugiu
im a maniac maniac thats for sure
beatiful i love this and king charlie see if you can make funnier stuff great mke more and who is that guy dk and bowser make
mamamya you suck ass
first of all it didnt star all the people you said and and if bowser and donkey kong joined together it would look like martha stewert or jason
This movie is boring, derivative and unimaginative. Was I supposed to know who the guy in the photo is? Try something else, please!