wow not the greatist
Please comment ^^
wow not the greatist
Well that díd not help me very much, mr spellingbee :/
If Orange is a fruit then red must be a vegitable
things like this are COMPLETLY RANDOM Very strange but good animation
So true.
The way I can picture this...is an extremely random account of work. Some people do not know the idea of what randomness is. some don't see the art in it at all. Therefore resulting in incoherent blams resulting in death of someones hard work. To truly appreciate the value of work, we need to look deeper in the context. Why is it that these random acts are worth watching? To tell you in one way, some have artistic ideas and thought patterns resulting in multi-various work. To the sum of it all, the idea of further progressing in art can be taken up to higher levels of experience and nature.
I had a few chuckles here and there.. I do see potential in this piece.
>Thank you
Yup ;3
Not bad.
It was kinda short, but since there wasn't mush to it plotwise, I could take it at face value for what it is. A nice quicky. Nice.
Thankyou! :D