stick movies suck
stick movies suck so bad
*Made in Macromedia flash 8*
*Must have flash player 8 to view*
*High quality can be left on*
*Sound Recommended But not needed*
Well i started this a while ago and finally finished it!
sorry credit button fixed
Sound loop fixed. The last one was kinda a joke.
stick movies suck
stick movies suck so bad
Yes very good jed253. Come get your helmet.
a lot of your flashes have "please dont blam" on them so i guess i should follow your guide and blam them.
try you know not being a poser and acting like your so hot next time.
I am not a poser the faces thing with the credits has been a joke since i started faces. I am promoting my movies. And the last one was a joke. I don't think i'm hot i just take pride in my work and if you can't respect that don't criticize me. You have to think your the best when your an animator because if you don't you won't put effort in animations.
What you're saying is we don't habve to watch a movie to vote on an under judgement submissions.. just look for outside qualities..? The graphics were a bit off but the flash was good. Btw you should vot 4 - 5 on L7C flashes not 2 - 5.. Lol..
2-5 are passing. lol
not awesome
the graphics wasn't good...
and the hole thing about Action Script just to show us that you know about it, wasn't a good idea
the music is a little bit used... in almost every movie "about NG"
I think you was ok in the descriptions... I almost agree with all of them
So... it was pretty good
& was funny to read about the LC7 and your stuff... I liked that part
but... the entire submission is not very awesome
you can do it a lot better
Hey that button at the beginning was just like one of those madness messages in weird texts.
The only thing I don't agree with is the Kitty Krew things. Even though they are crappy spam, people think like this, "OMG!!1!!1!!11! It has Hentai/Porn in the name!!1!!11!11!! 5555!!! OMG!!" So yeah... Thats why there are a lot of them that arn't blamed...
Yes its crazy. Follow this guide now everyone!