Enlighten the enlighter
Seizure Warning Girls
Flagaffagen: Noodles.
God meets Uncle and gives him some noodles.
Enlighten the enlighter
enlighten the enlightener lol funny
not cool
dude, discasing the series like this
come on, i am surprised this even made it to newgrounds
does krinkel know u did this >.<......not cool, y would u even do something to disgrace such a good series?
Pssssh if krinkels saw it he would cum everywhere...
I love how at the end of this movie, its has enlightment. I seen this on loads of madness flashes short and rude. It was quite funny too make more please.
More are on the way FA SHOW :D.
Have you seen number 4?
I like number 2 the best but that's just me...
5's and recommending this for the madness collection would be appreciated :D.