Boooring! it's not spoof about iphone it's a spoof about talent
iphone spoof
Boooring! it's not spoof about iphone it's a spoof about talent
didnt like it
i dont get how this makes fun of the iphone, and couldnt read any of the stuff you wrote on the paper
Not bad...
Not bad at all...for a video though your graphics were kinda bad, but still good. I love your parody of the iphone and can offer new ideas to you also (Check for PM). The concept is great and for a video your sound quality is superb. Just one question, at the very end what was the message?
|| Good Points ||
*Good for a Video
*Great Sound
|| Bad Points ||
*Quality kinda bad
Sorry about the quality. It was because the file was to big. And it said "in stores never"
Good work.
As loyal as I am to Apple -- I've got to admit that you've got yourself a crafty little video. Great work.
Thanx dude!
Quite funny!
Stick it on youtube if I was you!
it is on youtube! and on my site!