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Dot's fight

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This is my first attempt to a 'frame by frame' animation, and it cost a lot of my free time. It's about a dot transforming into weapons and stuff to break the walls of a swf :P

I hope you enjoy!

EDIT: I just see the NGupload does something with my music, I'll fix it NOW. The music should stop when the movie has ended!

UPDATE 2: Well it seems there's a bug in the song, only in my own swf there is a right one, when I put it here it's only 21 seconds, when I put it in Garageband it's also 21 seconds, but in iTunes and my swf there is standing 31 seconds!

So I have to deal with this. I feel very bad now because this has cost me so much time, and now there seems to be a bug in the song. Great.

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This is awesome. The only thing I can recommend is that you should have shown the wall, like some red rectangle or something, so we could see the amount of damage he was doing to it.

not great

for a first attempt at frame by frame its not bad but i think you would have been better just putting more time and effort into a proper fbf flash. there needs to be more colour, its all just black on a white background. you also need a proper background and some sort of point to the animation, it was just entirely random as far as i could see.

Rutger responds:

You like random or you don't. I've chosen for a black+white colorscheme for this one, If you wanna see more detailed swf's with more colour etc. check my other movies :)


So he was fighting against the WALLS! I thought wtf is he doing flying around like a crazy shit shooting on everything. Hey I made movies with lines/dots too... check it out if u want. This was pretty good btw, real smooth.

Rutger responds:

Hehe :) I saw your movies too! They're pretty cool, should we make a collab? :D In case you don't read this I'll send a PM :) Thanks for the compliment BTW.

I gues?

Funny Idea. Had the potential for more...


the ending it's a little lame and yes the music stops BFORE the end....you should fix that but for first time doing a fbf it's ok!

Rutger responds:

I don't know if you posted this before my EDIT's but if you read them you'll see the problem with the music, it ain't my choice too :(

Credits & Info

3.61 / 5.00

Dec 3, 2007
8:46 AM EST