this is good!
thats why i love lightsabers!
I'm back with this one, because I received a few complaints on the other version. This time, I added:
-A background
-Some new sounds effects
-Some better graphics
-A small context at the beginning
PJJMDCC - The game itself
ValVe - Sounds effects
Lucas art - Star wars theme song and star wars itself
Have fun!
this is good!
thats why i love lightsabers!
This is sad.
If you rate this as useless you are a buttface and are gay. So go ahead... try me...
Not bad.
Ezlair is right about the lightsaber.
Decent and Funny
The game was funny speacially the intro i all i undertstood was clones are attacking and raping ur mother, actually a lghtsaber when it cuts it leaves no blood at first because the blood coming out is vaporized by the lightsaber. But the game was funny i just hoped the clones would come out of different places that would be like attack them fast or else they will throw rocks at you and you will die or lose hp something like that would make this game very good.
funny? :P