excelent job very funny
Again, beginner-intermediate just having fun in Flash. I thought the Geico commercials were pretty amusing so I went ahead and made this. If you aren't familiar with the real version of this commercial, search! Its all over the net, but a civilized Caveman is waiting on one of those flat escalators at the airport, and sees a poster of a caveman next to a computer with text reading "So easy a caveman can do it." So the Caveman becomes frustrated because people still view his kind as "idiots..".. you have to see all the commercials to really love it.
But enjoy my Halo version.
Of course, I had to use the same song which is called "Remind Me" by Royksopp.
excelent job very funny
lol good.
I'm not going to lie I had to watch it twice.
lol nice
thanks for entertaining me
this was funny. a great example of a funny short. the gieco comercials havn't been funny for about 5 years, but you can bet his was
Caveman, move over!
Man, that was good. I Geico doesn't really do that cause you know the Chief's going to be really mad.