nice job you've come a long way
Christmas special for 2007. Dont open till xmas :) Actually DO OPEN IT! i need ratings !!!
nice job you've come a long way
Thanks :)
Very Good
You've come along way KrEid, your animations are alot more smoother now and far more detailed. cant wait to see what they will be like in a couple more months :-). you can tell this must have taken you quite a while to make. So well done for sticking to it and making this great animation.
It took 5 days XD XD
pretty good
This was good and funny in some parts, I really enjoyed it. :D
Thanks a lot :)
tis the bestest vids evas =D
i thinks itz the bestestestestest vide eva, n i wants 2 b just like KrEid wen i grows up, or i wanna b a honey badger, i hav not decideds yet. keep smiling children, it'll keeps away michael jackson-v gd video KrEid! woooo!
a joke 4 u: Q.) how do you make an archeologist embarrassed?
A.) give him a used tampon and ask what period it's from