the game is called Assassin's Creed 1 actually
Edit 3: Wow! Frontpage!?! Kool! :) BTW, due to all the whinning about my "being mean" in my comments to bad reviews, I've decided to not reply to crappy reviews like " OMG lolz You are teh Suxors" or anything along those lines. So yea. Be a fag if you want, just don't expect a reply...
Edit 2: Wow, daily fourth, sweet, thanks NG! :D
EDIT: I can't believe I forgot in the credits, but the guard was voiced by Courtney Leacock. Sorry dude, lost my head before submitting. Hope this counts. :)
So I never make movies anymore, mainly into working on games and such, but I've been really exited about Assassin's Creed, and thought I'd jump on the bandwagon of parodies that are popping up around here. The audio gave me some bad problems, so at this point, I was like ' fuck it ' and what's there is there. Voice acting's pretty in sync for the most part, but every sound effect I tried to add screwed everything up. Big respect to those who do the really great ones. Don't know how you guys do it. But atleast this will get some people a cheap laugh or two. Let me know what ya think. And hell, if ya really like it, do me a favor and suggest it to a video-game parody collection or something. :D
the game is called Assassin's Creed 1 actually
Your a moron Goblin wizard its just a game title
was kinda disappointed... not really any weed.
this is funny
I liked the stand up comedy joke good one. DIS-Orient-Ted lol
Can't tell that joke these days >.>