forgot this
maybe its just the sounds from my speakers, but diddnt you forget to mention that tapeworms lay eggs in poo before it exits the backend. and that kids can get them by playing in sandboxes where foxes/cats/other animals take dumps.
I was bored, I had just finished watching The Discovery Channel, and I had been eating raw meat from the central plains of Africa. Tapeworms!
The audio isn't the best since I had to use my built-in laptop microphone but I think it turned out ok. I hope everybody enjoys this!
forgot this
maybe its just the sounds from my speakers, but diddnt you forget to mention that tapeworms lay eggs in poo before it exits the backend. and that kids can get them by playing in sandboxes where foxes/cats/other animals take dumps.
Fatigue...I must have a tapeworm!!!
I'm ALWAYS tired XD
Anyways,this was pretty funny.
Hehe, was pretty funny actually, its like an ex-wife its a parasite :P
I'm scared and confused
Great video XD
Though now I'm scared to eat.
Have a glorious Vishnu Day!
It kept my attention for a minute. That's good in my book!