THere is a glitch where the missiles stay away from you...
Well this is like my very first anything with flash that Im submitting to newgrounds. Took me forever to do cause Im still new with flash even though thats no excuse. Anyways enjoy!
Wow! soo many reviews! Im so glad it didnt get blammed though, so thanks guys. Ill keep trying at making games using your tips =]
THere is a glitch where the missiles stay away from you...
great first
that looks like an experienced artist's work. u must have spent a bunch of time on it.
needs work
add some extra levels and a death sequence and it will be great!
I kinda like the glitch, It helps you get more points! ;) It's okay for you first submission y'know, but keep working on it and you'll get better and better and se what ya get, so keep workin it out...
Ummmm...some serious problems
Although you did try to do a traditional avoidance game, i didn't really see much usability. After the first stage......the game stops???? I really don't know what to see. If you fix that glitch, it won't be bad at all...Also, some graphic improvements and more visible instructions would boost the rating. It takes guts to submit though, and i'm glad you tried