Ps3 Sucks cock.
Xbox kicks Gaystations ass any day.
So once again im faced with writing commentary, ok, so when your xbox breaks (3 red lights of death), its hell trying to get through to customer support and shipping it off, then theres the long wait, those who have had that experience or who are experiencing it, it can be painful so sit back relax release your anger, AT BILL GATES!!!!!!
Ps3 Sucks cock.
Xbox kicks Gaystations ass any day.
man this is bad
i meane the voice it was so.... u know
For one, I think that the graphics could have been better, but what is the real problem is the audio. I mean, you didn't have to narrate what you were doing. For example, "So I'm at the Microsoft Office now", you didn't have to says that, we could plainly see that, mate. Phail. Try again please.
Well I didn't like it
Like I said before it failed to impress me, and anyone who watches for atleast 30 seconds can see why. Lame animation, lousy voice acting, predictable plot, and not much else. It's good for a begginer no doubt, BUT if you want to score high in my book you have to put fourth more effort. I expect to see more from you, but next time please do your own voices. I'll give you a 2/5 and 4/10, fair enough I suppose. Lol, I just get red ring of death a week ago I can relate to the story. Now that I think about it, it's not such a bad idea...
it was funny but i thought that phone was a gun