How did this even make it in the Portal?
This is a piece of crap movie and also by an impostor. I found out that theres like 5 extra frames of random music that are hidden to make the file so big.
Hello there, IllWillPress here. I've decided to take out some time from neurotically yours to make a collab with some of my friends in proffesional animation. Sorry about the large filesize, but there are a lot of photoshop effects in there to improve the overall quality of the animation. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
How did this even make it in the Portal?
This is a piece of crap movie and also by an impostor. I found out that theres like 5 extra frames of random music that are hidden to make the file so big.
lame dude... just lame
make a collab that's more then 6 total frames
don't attempt to make shit like that ,every NY fan knows that J.I.M.'s name is illwillpress,not IllWillPress
make something that has sense,smiling faces ,dancing people and a poorly drawn foamy aren't interesting, smart or hilarious (especially not hilarious)
you arent the real illwillpress. the real illwillpress doesnt use capitals in his name. what the hell is up with you people, just because you're too lazy to make a half decent flash doesn't mean you can just rip off other people. don't rip people off man. you can do better. i admit, i'm crap at flash, but i bet you're way better than me. but just remember, don't rip people off.
Why is it so big if it's this simple? Anyway try making more of a movie than one picture flash at you. Or at least put more than three. Oh and give them more meaning to the movie.