pretty good
I'd just like to point out that the civil war in Iraq is already happening.
This movie is a failed attempt to show war in the middle east. It was going to be an epic movie but i lost so much work due to flash freezing when i was trying to show explosions, the missiles launching and fire, basically everything is overly graphic intensive and it severely fucked up this movie, what you see is the first half of this movie, i took out the second half because it is fucked up. Sometimes i really hate flash.
pretty good
I'd just like to point out that the civil war in Iraq is already happening.
Not Bad
Flash is a bitch at times. I can say that I really enjoyed the flash, you might want to cut back on a few things so you don't overload.
Also you said Sunni wrong, it more like saying soo-knee. <long 'o' sound (ex. too)
Thank you you overly priced American Politics class for teaching me how to say Sunni! Sorry I have to vent.
Two and One Half Inches.
Decent, Great art work, good use of 3d formats, and pretty good story line about something that has an impact on peoples lives. You clearly spent lots of time on this, and for that I gave you a 4/5, I couldn't give you a perfect score, because that wouldn't make me the evil bastard I wish to appear as to people I don't know, but just know that if I was a wrist flicker, you'd get a perfect score. (I'm kidding, I gave you a 5/5)
Keep it up!!!
Not bad
Too much smoke effects, to stop going CPU overdrive, hand-draw effects like smoke.
well i like it
in the bible it said the anticrist shall come when a 3 world war happens in the middle east
a war does not have to be called a war to be a war
and dramaticsandwhich the news can lie will lie and is lieing
this is all fuled by greed